How to Prepare Your Interior for Painting

Are your walls and ceiling about to undergo a transformation? While the Panache team is happy to take care of preparation for you, there are some things you can do to make the project even easier (and quicker!). This advice would also be helpful if you’re planning on doing the painting yourself, but there are 3 reasons you should reconsider and hire us instead.

Here are the key steps from interior house painting sydney you can take to help the painting process go smoothly.

Relocate Your Furniture (Temporarily)

Tables, chairs, cabinets and couches can all get in the way during a paint job. Removing furniture from your soon-to-be-painted room will help avoid any trips – as well as protecting your items from stray drops of paint! Furniture removal is one of the preparation tasks our team can take care of for you, so don’t stress if you don’t have the time or manpower to do this yourself.

Clear the Walls

While this might seem ridiculously obvious, you might be surprised by how often people forget to remove paintings, clocks and other wall ornaments prior to painting! When you’re clearing out the furniture, don’t forget to relocate any wall hangings as well. For things that can’t be taken down, such as power outlets, you can use plastic covers.

A Quick Clean

Painting dirty walls simply won’t give you the best-looking results. If there are any visible smudges, stains or other blemishes on the assigned surfaces, be sure to wash these off prior to painting. Don’t leave this to the last minute though – after giving the walls a rinse, you’ll need to allow adequate time for them to dry.

Designate a Staging Area

Where will your painters set up their gear and prepare their materials? Decide on a staging area before the day; this way, you’ll know exactly where you can and can’t go while the job is being done.

As mentioned, preparing your room(s) is something we are able to assist you with, so every step of your painting project is as hassle free as possible for you. To discover more about our services, please see our domestic painting page.